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Introduction from the Management
As an international company, the Jiecang Group operates in compliance and abides by high standards of business conduct and ethics. We strive to create a work environment that promotes respect, responsibility and integrity, and value for all our employees, customers and other stakeholders. Jiecang Group maintains and further develops transparent policies and practices that guide us in a unified manner in responding to the challenges our business faces locally and globally. Developing the requirements of this Code of Conduct is a dynamic and continuous process with ongoing improvement efforts.
Jiecang Group complies with all relevant applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Jiecang Group focuses on organizational governance for successful integration of environmental, social and compliance commitments into the organizational culture. Management commitment, documentation, records, processes, training, policies, risk assessment and mitigation assist in identifying and monitoring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Human and Labor Rights
Human and labor rights are universal, inherent, and inalienable and Jiecang Group respects and contributes to their fulfillment and requires its business partners to do so.
Individuals have the right to employment that is voluntary, safe, fairly compensated and protective of human dignity. Within Jiecang Group all work is voluntary (no use of any form of slave, prison, forced, indentured, or involuntary labor), employees are free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice. Within the organization and the value chain we do not tolerate child labor. We respect working hours, wages, and benefits as set by local law. We recognize and respect the employees’ right of free association and to collective bargaining based on local law.
Nondiscrimination, No Harassment, Respect 
Jiecang Group provides employees with a fair and just work environment, encourages employees to carry forward their entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, stimulate their potential, and continue to create value.
We commit to diversity, equity and inclusion throughout Jiecang Group and value all backgrounds without regard to gender, ethnicity, religion, or other protected status. Diversity, equitable access to opportunity, inclusion, fair treatment, and non-discrimination are our core values respected throughout the organization. Jiecang Group is dedicated to creating an inclusive work environment for everyone. We embrace and celebrate the unique experiences, perspectives, and cultural backgrounds that each employee brings to our workplace. Jiecang Group strives to foster an environment where our employees feel respected, valued, and empowered, and our team members are at the forefront in helping us promote and sustain an inclusive workplace. All Jiecang Group employees are also expected to treat others with dignity and respect, and address and report inappropriate behavior. Threats or acts of violence will not be tolerated regardless whether they are committed in the office or in any work-related circumstances. Any threats or acts of violence must be reported immediately.
Jiecang Group manages its operations responsibly and complies with the environmental requirements defined by applicable laws, regulations and permits. We are committed to the sustainable development of production, operation, and environmental protection. We take responsibility for minimizing the environmental or social impact of our activities, including air emissions, waste, recovery, water and energy use and disposal. Therefore, we are protecting the environment through responsible business operations and advocating the research and development of environmentally friendly products.
Within the organization we responsibly manage hazardous substances and comply with applicable labeling laws and regulations for recycling and disposal, including but not limited to ROHS, REACH, Level, Conflict Minerals (Responsible Sourcing of Minerals and Other Materials), Mindful Materials and other material-based programs. Jiecang Group ensures having and maintains compliance with all relevant environmental permits and reporting.
Jiecang Group complies with applicable laws and regulations on health and safety of their employees through integrating sound health and safety management practices, occupational safety procedures and systems. Safe work environment, will further be ensured through health and safety information and training, required by applicable laws and regulations. We take adequate measures in advance to prepare for emergency situations. Employees are correspondingly instructed and trained. Any occurrence of such events must be documented and reported.
A healthy and safe workplace is the foundation of all work, and the Jiecang Group strives to establish and maintain a healthy and safe workplace. Employees actively maintain and participate in the creation of a healthy and safe workplace through the products we create. Business partners consciously abide by relevant national laws and regulations and the organization’s health and safety guidelines to ensure a health and safe work environment.

Compliance Management in Each Domain
Anti-bribery, anti-corruption, fraud
Jiecang Group is committed to high standards of ethical conduct when dealing with customers, suppliers, governmental agencies, and other third parties and requests the highest standards of ethical behavior of its employees and business partners. Bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement, in any form, are strictly prohibited. We comply with respective international anti-corruption conventions, and applicable anti-corruption laws.
The Jiecang Group opposes any act of offering or accepting of bribes, directly or indirectly, to obtain new business or retain existing business. We do not submit to- or accept from business partners extravagant courtesies or gifts (including special products, red envelopes, shopping cards, etc.). Regardless of an employee’s role within the Jiecang Group, we do not accept fraud. Fraud can be defined in its simplest format as being deceitful to someone or a group with the intentional outcome of financial or personal gain.
Fair competition, anti-trust, conflict of interest
As an international group, we are dedicated to fair and ethical competition. Jiecang Group values applicable anti-trust and competition laws (no collusive bidding, price-fixing, boycotts, market allocation, tying and bundling products, using deceptive trade practices, abusing a dominant market position or other anti-competitive behavior). Our products and services are sold based on merit, unmatched quality, functionality, and competitive pricing.
We avoid conflicts of interest through trainings and internal processes, do not allow third parties to influence or attempt to influence employees or their family members by providing benefits, gifts or favors beyond a reasonable and culturally accepted dimension.
Anti-money laundering
Money laundering refers to the act of disguising and concealing the source and nature of illegal income and its resulting income through various means to make it legal. The Jiecang Group complies with relevant anti-money laundering laws, refrains from participating in any money laundering activities and has installed processes avoiding money laundering.
Intellectual property and trade secret protection, assets
Jiecang Group secures creation, use and protection of its own trade secrets, intellectual property rights, technology and know-how and respects such intellectual property rights of third parties. Jiecang Group’s business partners are expected to respect the intellectual property of others and required to undertake all necessary steps to protect such intellectual property rights of others.
Confidential information will only be distributed to those employees who absolutely require the knowledge to be able to complete their tasks. Such confidential information includes amongst others non-public information, customer data, financial and cost data, business plans, operating statements, pricing information, market and sales data, business activity information, personnel files, organizational charts, etc. Employees are obligated to protect such information. Only those who are authorized may use business secrets and confidential information and assets for authorized specific purposes.
Jiecang Group takes protection of the company’s assets seriously. All employees are responsible for protecting the assets and information from damage, loss, theft, waste, and abuse.
Data protection and security
Jiecang Group has cyber security processes and controls, protects data, personal, proprietary and confidential information and ensures compliance with the respective local applicable privacy, data protection and information security laws and regulations.
No insider trading, finance, and export control
Jiecang is a publicly traded company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. We comply with insider trading rules and have a strict communication and confidentiality policy.
Jiecang Group complies with generally accepted accounting principles, systems, and other applicable laws and regulations related to financial accounting and reporting. The organization’s accounting records and statements must truly and accurately reflect transaction information. We ensure that the financial records and financial statements of the business related to the Jiecang Group are accurate and reliable. Improper or falsified accounts, documents or financial reports, deliberate confusion of accounts, and improper advance payment or recognition of income are not permitted.
Jiecang Group complies with export control laws and respect export or trade sanctions or other bans when applicable to our business.
Expectations Towards Business Partners
The standards we set ourselves are the requirements we expect from our business partners and the supply chain. In order to ensure compliance with this Code of Conduct, business partners are required to communicate the obligations of this Code of Conduct to its employees and business partners as well as document and audit compliance with it.
Jiecang shall have the right to audit the books and records related to the business.

Whistleblower Protection

Violation of the Code of Conduct may have personal, legal, reputational and financial consequences for Jiecang Group. All actual or suspected breaches require prompt notification. We trust our employees and business partners – and take rules and laws seriously. Where you uncover a suspected criminal offense, a violation of laws, misbehavior or an infringement of this Code of Conduct you can contribute to rebuilt credibility, trust and compliance – through contacting us directly via our respective websites.

Whistleblowing Channel

    In addition, we maintain a whistleblowing channel that ensures the confidentiality and may be used anonymously. Further details on Whistleblowing can be found on https://en.easywhistle.com/users.
Multilingual Code of Conduct​​​​​​​
Click here to enter the German language website's Code of Conduct.






  Add: No.2 Laisheng Road, Provincial High-tech industrial park, Xinchang county, Zhejiang province, China
  Tel: 400-6666-358
 Wechat: +86 18057561965 
  WhatsApp: +86 18057561965
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